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Stress induced hair fall and how to manage it?

There is ample evidence to suggest the fact that anxiety or stress and the problem of hair loss are indeed related. The relationship between the two, despite being a complex one, can be easily established. If you’re worrying too much about how the rate of hair loss in your case has seemingly multiplied, then it’s time that you stop over-thinking. Your anxieties are contributing significantly to the condition itself. Hair-fall owing to excessive stress may occur anytime within the 6 weeks to 4 months time period that follows an event which might cause extreme pressure on you, psychologically or otherwise.

However, it is imperative to remember that the possibility for acute hair-fall to occur is very rare in case your anxiety is less than severe. Stress triggers a plethora of conditions that effectively contribute to hair loss, the most common ones being:

Telogen Effluvium: The most frequently observed condition wherein more amount of hair than what is considered normal prepares to fall off.
Alopecia Areata: Sudden increment in a fall of large clumps of your hair around the scalp.
Trichotillomania: This is an otherwise habitual condition led by anxiety and stress wherein the person affected pulls out his hair without even realizing the fact that he is actually pulling out his own hair.
The good news is that for those who suffer from anxiety induced hair-fall is that, the problem isn’t a permanent one. If anxiety and stress are the conditions that have triggered this problem, then best results might be achieved by implementing measures to reduce the stress causing factors. However, ensure that you’re addressing this problem properly so that a fall or a reduction may be observed in both your anxiety levels as well as your hair-fall problems.

There are several quick fixes that go a long way in contributing to the correction of this condition:

  1. Meditation aids in altering your brain’s neural pathways, thereby improving and strengthening your resilience towards stress.
  2. Connecting with your loved ones more often helps you relax and heal emotionally, significantly lowering your anxiety levels.
  3. Music that soothes the senses, calms down your nerves, and lowers the blood pressure levels, helps in alleviating the effects of a stressful living.
  4. It is vital to keep in mind the fact that a healthy lifestyle and regular exercising go a long way in keeping your health intact-whether it be securing your tresses or lowering your anxieties.
